
Assigned 5/16 & 5/17

Watch the video National Geographic Inside North Korea and write a one reflection


Assigned 5/10 & 5/13

Family Tree Project or Autobiography May 30 for Odd and May 31 for Even


Assigned 4/23 & 4/24

Review packet DUE 5/1 for Odd & 5/2 for Even

Assigned 4/2-4/4

See PROJECTS TAB for directions Due 4/17 for Even & 4/18 for Odd

Notebook Check assigned 4/4-4/5 for Due 4/23 Odd & 4/24 for Even





Bell Ringer: Analyze the image using POSER and answer the following:

The image best illustrate commitment to a policy of

(1) détente                       (3) containment

(2) isolationism              (4) imperialism







Notes: Cold War



Bell Ringer:  Good evening, my fellow citizens. This Government, as promised, has maintained the closest surveillance of the Soviet military build-up on the island of Cuba. Within the past week unmistakable evidence has established the fact that a series of offensive missile sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. The purposes of these bases can be none other than to provide a nuclear strike capability against the Western Hemisphere….— President John F. Kennedy, Report to

the American People, October 22, 1962


President John F. Kennedy reacted strongly to the situation described in this speech primarily because

(1) the United States feared an influx of Cuban refugees

(2) these missiles could threaten United States oil supplies in South America

(3) the location of Cuba would allow the United States little time to respond to an attack

(4) the United States and the Warsaw Pact nations had formed a military alliance




Video:  Watch the Cold War oversimplified and answer the questions

            1. What does the iron curtain refer to?

            2. What is the Truman Doctrine?

            3. What is the Marshall Plan?

            4. What is the Berlin Airlift?

            5. What was McCarthyism?





Bell Ringer:

What is the most accurate title for this map?

(1) American Imperialism in the 20th Century

(2) World War II in the Pacific

(3) Causes of World War II

(4) Creation of Wartime Alliances


The map shows that the Allied forces

(1) made slow but steady progress in defeating Japan

(2) conducted most of the battles north of the Hawaiian Islands

(3) maintained control of the Philippines from the beginning of the war

(4) had military support from the Soviet Union throughout the war




Video: . Watch the video (15 minutes) and answer the following questions

            1. Why did the Americans want neutrality?

            2. Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany?

            3. What was the purpose of the Neutrality laws?

            4. Who were the Axis Powers?

            5. What was the Atlantic Charter?

            6. What happened DEC. 7, 1941?

            7. What role did factories play in WWII?

            8. Why did Truman drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

            9. What was post war American economy like?

            10. What is the baby boom?

            11. What was the Marshall Plan?

            12. What was the Cold War?

            13. What happened in Korea 1948?

            14. What was the arms race?

            15. Who was Joseph McCarthy?

            16. How did the U.S. government prepare the country for war?




Bell Ringer:

Watch video clip of Kennedy’s speech How did the Cold War hasten scientific progress?





Notes: New Frontier & Great Society




Bell Ringer: Answer the question

Page 499 Analyze data. Analyze the graphs titled the Effects of the Korean War and answer the question: After the Korean War how much did the U.S. spend on defense than before the war?



Bell Ringer:  Use the image below to answer the following:  What are the differences between the two water fountains?

Image result for segregation




Notes: Civil Rights




Bell Ringer:

Analyze the image and answer the question.

Based on the photograph, how was the economy of the 1960s?







Video:  Watch video on Civil Rights and answer questions

            1. What was the impact of Brown vs. the Board of Education?

            2. What bearing did it have on Plessy vs. Ferguson?

            3. Why was integration of Little Rock High School so difficult?

            4. What role did children and students play in the Civil Rights movement?

            5. What was the purpose of the March on Washington?

            6. What was the purpose of the Freedom Summer?

            7. What was the platform of the Black Panther Party?




Bell Ringer:  How does Levittown (Levittown, New York - Power Lines The Documentary ©2015) reflect prosperity of post WWII America? Who were the houses made for?




Video:  Watch the video Civil Rights and Cold War and answer the questions:

            1. What were the key moments of the Civil Rights Movement?

            2. What was the purpose of the Freedom Rides?

            3. What role did television play in the Civil Rights Movement?

            4. What was the purpose of the March on Washington?

            5. What role did the Cold War play in the Civil Rights Movement?

            6. What was the Civil Rights Act?





Notes: Foreign Policy 1972-present




Bell Ringer: What was the primary cause of gas rationing in 1974?

a. A war in Afghanistan had cut oil supplies from Central Asia

b. The Mexican government had nationalized the petroleum industry

c. Arab members of OPEC had placed an embargo on the United States

d. Iran halted its oil supplies after the Shas was admitted into America




Bell Ringer:  The Camp David Accords negotiated by Jimmy Carter were important because they

a. reduced tensions in the Middle East

b. renewed diplomatic relations between the U.S. and China

c. slowed the pace of the nuclear arms race

d. provided for cooperation with the Soviet Union in the exploration of outer space




Video: Watch  “U.S. History Survey 1980s to Present” and respond to the questions

1. What was the message of conservatism?

2. What issues does conservatism focus on?

3. How did George H. W. Bush deal with the increasing unemployment and a growing national deficit?

4. What were the three primary domestic policy goals of the Clinton administration?

5. What was the impact of NAFTA?

6. What was the impact of the George W. Bush’s economic programs?

7. What was the economic impact of military intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq?

8. What were the challenges faced by the Obama administration?


9. What was the focus on Reagan’s foreign policy?

George H. W. Bush

10. What was the impact of the end of the Cold War in Europe?

11. What was the impact of the invasion of Panama?

12. Why did the U.S. get involved in the First Gulf War?

13. How did the U.S. respond to the Tiananmen Square massacre?


14. How did the U.S. under Clinton respond to ethnic cleansing in Europe?

15. How did the Clinton administration deal with conflict in Africa?

George W. Bush

16. What was the goal of the War on Terror?

17. How did Americans view the passage of the USA PARTIOT ACT and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security?


18. What shift occurred in foreign policy under the Obama Administration?

19. What are the challenges of the 21st century?

20. Which events tested the nations confidence in the government?








Interactive notebook

Foldable and paragraph are each worth 5 points



1960s Foreign Policy



1970s Foreign Policy









226-251 A 201-225 B

176-200 C 151-175 D 150



Classwork April 1, 2019 (to be turned in)


1. Read lesson 11.5 The Two Sides of the Nixon Presidency 662-672

2. Complete the lesson assessment page 672 1-5

3. Read lesson 11.6 Ford and Carter pages 673-682

4. Complete the lesson assessment page 682 1-5


Classwork 3/12-3/13 (In your notebook)


Bell Ringer: Analyze the image and answer the question.


Based on the photograph, how was the economy of the 1960s?


Watch video on Civil Rights and answer questions (you must sing in to your portal to  access the video on Discovery Education) 


1. What was the impact of Brown vs. the Board of Education?

2. What bearing did it have on Plessy vs. Ferguson?

3. Why was integration of Little Rock High School so difficult?

4. What role did children and students play in the Civil Rights movement?

5. What was the purpose of the March on Washington?

6. What was the purpose of the Freedom Summer?

7. What was the platform of the Black Panther Party?


Classwork 3/8-3/11


 The textbook can be accessed through your student portal


1. Review Topic 8 Post War America pages 490-533

2. Complete Florida Topic 8 Assessment pages 536-537 (1-14, 16, 18-21)

3. Write questions and answers to be turned in to Ms. Steadham the following class


Classwork 3/6-3/7

Bell Ringer: Use the image below to answer the following:  What are the differences between the two water fountains?

See the source image

Copy notes on the Civil Rights from the notes tab

Classwork 3/4- 3/5

Bell Ringer page 499 Analyze the data and answer the question (spiral notebook)


Watch the video (to be turned in) and answer the following questions

            1. Why did the Americans want neutrality?

            2. Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany?

            3. What was the purpose of the Neutrality laws?

            4. Who were the Axis Powers?

            5. What was the Atlantic Charter?

            6. What happened DEC. 7, 1941?

            7. What role did factories play in WWII?

            8. Why did Truman drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

            9. What was post war American economy like?

            10. What is the baby boom?

            11. What was the Marshall Plan?

            12. What was the Cold War?

            13. What happened in Korea 1948?

            14. What was the arms race?

            15. Who was Joseph McCarthy?

            16. How did the U.S. government prepare the country for war?


Interactive Notebook

Organizer on the foreign policies of Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon

Essential question: What were the Cold War policies of the various administrations?


Create an illustration for a Cold War Key Term Assigned 2/21 & 2/22 Due 3/1 for Even & 2/28 for Odd

Terms: Cold War, Berlin Wall, Arms Rcace, Domino Theory, McCarthyism, Sputnik, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam War, Watergate Scandal


Create an illustration for a WWII Key Term Assigned 2/7 & 2/8 Due 2/19 for Even & 2/20 for Odd


 Notebook Check Assigned 2/4 & 2/5 Due 2/13 for Odd & 2/14 for Even





Bell Ringer: In 1899, the United States proclaimed the Open

Door policy in an attempt to

(1) ensure trading opportunities in China

(2) keep the Philippines from attacking China

(3) increase trade between Russia and the United States

(4) prevent European countries from colonizing Africa





Notes: WWI



Bell Ringer: Play the song “Over There” and answer the questions

    1. Describe what you hear in the song.
    2. What was happening when the song was written?
    3. Who do you think was the audience for this song?
    4. What methods does the songwriter use to persuade the audience?
    5. Do you agree or disagree with the message of the song? Why?




Organizer Read Topic 5.2 “The Home Front during WWI” pages 279-282 and complete a graphic organizer



Bell Ringer: POSER the image. How does it show a return to normalcy?

Image result for league of nations








Bell Ringer:



Watch the introduction to the 1920s

  1. Organize the information into the following categories. What I know: What I will be learning
  2. Based on the video. How has the 1920s influenced American society?
  3. Why do you think this period is called the Roaring 20s? Base your answer on what you heard or saw in the video.





Image result for 1920s consumerismBell Ringer:

 Which statement about the United States economy during the 1920s is true?

(1) Federal regulation of business was strengthened.

(2) The purchase of stocks steadily declined.

(3) Mass production increased the supply of consumer goods.

(4) Republican Party presidents supported unemployment insurance.




Notes: 1920s




Bell Ringer: Answer the question

 “Harding Rejects Wilson’s Foreign Policy—Wants Return to ‘Normalcy’”

“Coolidge Declares: ‘The Chief Business of the American People Is Business’”

“Hoover Calls for ‘Rugged Individualism’; Rejects Paternalism and Socialism”


Which policy of Republican presidents in the1920s is most consistent with the positions stated

in these headlines?

(1) The United States should assist unions and provide old-age insurance.

(2) The United States should acquire and protect an empire.

(3) The federal government should support the poor and raise farm prices.

(4) The federal government should assist business and limit foreign commitments.




Bell Ringer: First and Goal 4.1

Which phrase best completes the diagram?

A. The loss of U.S. overseas territories to Spain led to a decline in American foreign trade.

B. Wartime expenses led to increased taxation, a decline in trade, and an economic recession.

C. The annexation of overseas territories led to increased trade in the Pacific and the Caribbean.

D. The war with Spain led to an economic boycott of the United States by several other European powers.




Bell Ringer:

Between 1900 and 1930, United States relations with Latin America were characterized by repeated United States efforts to

(1) encourage the redistribution of land to the poor

(2) deny economic aid to developing nations

(3) limit the influence of communist dictators

(4) control the internal affairs of many nations in the region


3 the images and answer the questions

1. Who is in the image? What action is he taking?

2. What is the purpose of the wall? Who is being shut out?






Bell Ringer:





















Notes: Great Depression



Bell Ringer: Video New Deal

1. What was Hoover’s response to the Great Depression?

2. What were the three goals of the New Deal?

3. What was the FDIC?

4. What was the goal?

5. What were the fireside chats?

6. What were the New Deal programs?




Bell Ringer: Analyze the image of Hitler at the Reichstag 1. In what way does this photo differ from what you have seen of the American government?

2. How would a military government differ from a civilian government?

3. How might Nazi’s use this photo to gain support?





Bell Ringer: Read the excerpt and answer the questions:

 President Franklin Roosevelt’s annual message to Congress on January 6, 1941

            I also ask this Congress for authority and for funds sufficient to manufacture additional ammunitions and war supplies, to be turned over to those nations which are now in actual war with aggressor nations…They do not need man power, but they do need billions of dollars’ worth of weapons of defense. The time is near when they will not be able to pay for them all in ready cash….We cannot…tell them they must surrender merely because of present inability to pay…


1. What is Roosevelt asking congress to do?

2. Why is he advocating to give weapons to countries unable to purchase them?

3. How might equipping nation already at war help the United States?


What measure did President Roosevelt urge Congress to pass in this message?

A. Neutrality Act

B. Quarantine Act

C. Lend-Lease Act

D. Exchange of arms for leases of bases




Notes: WWII



Bell Ringer: Analyze the map and answer questions 1-2

What is the most accurate title for this map?

(1) American Imperialism in the 20th Century

(2) World War II in the Pacific

(3) Causes of World War II

(4) Creation of Wartime Alliances


The map shows that the Allied forces

(1) made slow but steady progress in defeating Japan

(2) conducted most of the battles north of the Hawaiian Islands

(3) maintained control of the Philippines from the beginning of the war

(4) had military support from the Soviet Union throughout the war




Video: Japanese internment

1. Which video is propaganda? Why?

2. How did the reality of the experience differ from the propaganda?








Interactive notebook

Foldable and paragraph are each worth 5 points



African American Leaders



New Deal









240-266 A 213-239 B

187-238 C 160-237 D 159












































































































































Classwork 1/22 -1/24


I. Watch the video APUSH video on Westward Expansion


II.  Watch APUSH Video on Industrialization

III. Watch the APUSH video on Imperialism


IV. Watch the video APUSH video on WWI and answer the following:

1. What were the long term causes of WWI?

2. What was the short-term cause?

3. What is the Sussex Pledge?

4. What were the 2 reasons for U.S. involvement?

5. What did Wilson promise in the Fourteen Point speech?

6. Why was it considered the first modern war?

7. What were the stipulations in the Treaty of Versailles?


V.  Watch the APUSH video on the 1920s

1. Create a web of the social (people and groups), political (Amendments)and economic sentiments of the 1920s


VI. Watch the video on the Great Depression and the New Deal as Review;_ylt=A0LEV7shd2ha8H4AMGcnnIlQ?p=industrialization&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&fr2=piv-web&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002#id=4&vid=7d96a145993577cc00d3d1f0796ec922&action=view


Watch the video and write the responses in complete sentences. Due 1/22 for  Odd &  1/23 for Even


1. What Resources stimulated new industries?

2. What two ways did railroads help the nation?

3. What is vertical integration? What is horizontal integration?

4. What is the Sherman-Anti Trust Act?

5. How did Social Darwinism promote Laissez-faire?

6. Why did workers form unions?

7. What was the impact of the Homestead strike and the Pullman strike?

8. Where did immigrants come from and where were they processed?

9. What was the Chinese Exclusion Act and why did nativist support it?

10. What problems did the growing population of immigrants cause in cities?

11. Why did Social Gospel develop?

12. What did Jane Adams do?

13. What was the political machines? Who was Boss Tweed?

14. What were the goals of the progressives?

15. What was temperance?

16. Who were muckrakers?

17. How did reformers help to grow the power of the people?

18. Which amendment allowed women to vote?

19. Why was Roosevelt the “Trust Buster”?

20. What policy did populist support?

21. What did the Grange movement want government to do?

22. What was The Jungle and who wrote it?



Homework assigned 1/10 & 1/11 Create a visual of one of the key terms related to the Great Depression due 1/14 for Odd & 1/15 for Even.

STUDY for the MYA 1/29 & 1/30 review all previous notes.


Homework  study for Topic 4 Assessment 12/18 for Even 12/19 for Odd

Homework Due 12/13 for Odd 12/14 and for Even

Create a visual of one of the key terms terms related to the 1920s.


Assigned 11/19 Even 11/30 & 11/20 Odd Due 11/29



November 19, 2018 — November 30, 2018


Student Name ___________________________________________


Base your answer to question 1 on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies.

. . . In our opinion, formed from data obtained by assiduous [thorough] researches, and comparisons, from laborious investigation, logical reasoning, and earnest reflection, the causes which have impeded the progress and prosperity of the South, which have dwindled our commerce, and other similar pursuits, into the most contemptible insignificance; entailed upon us a humiliating dependence on the Free States; disgrace us in the recesses of our own souls, and brought us under reproach in the eyes of all civilians and enlightened nations—may all be traced to one common source, the most hateful —Slavery! . . .

— Hinton Helper,

The Impending Crisis of the South: How To Meet It, 1857


1. This statement most clearly expresses the author’s opinion that slavery

(1) should be extended into the western territories

(2) caused the North to be dependent on the South

(3) was the cause of economic and social problems in the South

(4) was the reason the South should secede from the Union


2. The passage of the Homestead Act (1862) and the completion of the first transcontinental railroad (1869) encouraged settlement in which region?

(1) Great Plains

(2) Atlantic Coastal Plain

(3) Ohio River valley

(4) Gulf Coast


3. Which statement is a valid generalization about the experience of African Americans during the early Reconstruction period (1865–1870)?

(1) They gained economic equality.

(2) Their participation in government decreased.

(3) They achieved legal rights through constitutional amendments.

(4) Their political equality was opposed by most Radical Republicans.


4. The system of sharecropping developed in the South after the Civil War because

(1) most formerly enslaved persons had no farming skills

(2) owners of large tracts of land faced labor shortages

(3) much farmland was ruined by the war

(4) plantation owners wanted to diversify crops


5. The United States government’s use of laissez-faire principles during the late 19th century resulted in the

(1) commitment of aid to small American businesses

(2) decline in the number of factory jobs

(3) opposition of American businesses to protective tariffs

(4) growth of trusts and monopolies


6. What was one result of the Supreme Court’s decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)?

(1) Public schools were integrated nationwide.

(2) The “separate but equal” doctrine was established.

(3) Civil rights for African Americans were strengthened.

(4) Northern states were forced to segregate public facilities.


7. In 1899, the United States proclaimed the Open Door policy in an attempt to

(1) ensure trading opportunities in China

(2) keep the Philippines from attacking China

(3) increase trade between Russia and the United States

(4) prevent European countries from colonizing Africa


Base your answers to questions 8 and 9 on the speakers’ statements below and on your knowledge of social studies.


Speaker A: It is disgraceful that we allow children in this country to work long hours in unsanitary, unsafe conditions. The government must step in and protect our children.


Speaker B: We must allow businesses to compete freely without government

intervention. The best will survive.


Speaker C: Monopolies and trusts make it impossible for small businesses to compete. Monopolies lower their prices to eliminate competition, and then they charge consumers even higher prices.


Speaker D: Big business is good for the country. It increases the nation’s wealth, provides jobs, and strengthens the country.


8. What would Speaker B most likely want the federal government to do?

(1) Regulate child labor.

(2) Adopt a progressive income tax.

(3) Strengthen the immigration laws.

(4) Support the concept of Social Darwinism.



9. Which two speakers represent the beliefs of many reformers during the Progressive Era?

(1) A and B

(2) A and C

(3) B and C

(4) B and D


10.       • Overcrowding

• High crime rate

• Poor sanitation


 In the early 1900s, these problems were most directly a result of

(1) muckrakers’ influence

(2) conservation programs

(3) westward migration

(4) rapid urbanization



11. In the early 1900s, Congress acted to regulate the nation’s money supply more effectively by

(1) increasing the minimum wage

(2) raising the protective tariff

(3) creating the Federal Reserve System

(4) adopting the Clayton Antitrust Act



Source: Winsor McCay, New York American,1919 (adapted)


12.  What is the main idea of the cartoon?

(1) Travel on ocean-going ships was dangerous and should be banned.

(2) The United States should return to an isolationist foreign policy.

(3) The United States should take the lead in creating an international peacekeeping organization.

(4) The United States Navy should make efforts to improve its fleet.


13. In the United States Senate, those who agreed with the opinion expressed in the cartoon were able to

(1) end United States involvement in World War I

(2) change the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles to reflect American ideals

(3) gain public support for United States aid to war-torn European nations

(4) reject President Woodrow Wilson’s proposal for membership in the League of Nations


14. Why did construction of the Panama Canal become more important to the United States after the

Spanish-American War?

(1) Congress realized that the key threat to national security came from South America.

(2) Great Britain had plans to purchase the canal zone and colonize the territory.

(3) Spain had regained control of its former colonies near the canal route.

(4) The navy needed a faster way to move ships between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.


15. The Roosevelt Corollary (1904) to the Monroe Doctrine proclaimed the right of the United States to

(1) intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American nations

(2) impose trade restrictions on European imports

(3) promote democracy in Africa

(4) determine the border between Alaska and Canada



16. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?


I. ___________________________________

A. Desire for markets and raw materials

B. Closing of the western frontier

C. Social Darwinism

D. Missionary spirit


(1) Principles of the Fourteen Points

(2) Reasons for United States Imperialism

(3) Causes of World War I

(4) Adoption of Isolationist Ideals


17. During World War I, what was President Woodrow Wilson’s purpose in outlining the Fourteen Points?

(1) asking Congress for additional funding for the war effort

(2) suggesting a peace plan to prevent future wars

(3) proposing war crimes trials for leaders of enemy nations

(4) calling for military alliances against aggressor nations


18. The major argument of opponents of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles was that the treaty would require the United States to

(1) become involved in future international conflicts

(2) pay for war damages

(3) adopt a policy of military alliances

(4) keep troops permanently in Europe


19. A major effect of the Harlem Renaissance was that it

(1) exposed corruption in New York City politics

(2) led to the end of the Great Migration

(3) increased awareness of African American culture

(4) inspired the Progressive movement


20. During the 1920s, members of the Ku Klux Klan were closely associated with

(1) favoring increased urbanization

(2) promoting nativist ideas and policies

(3) expanding educational opportunities for minorities

(4) opposing the deportation of political dissidents


Classwork for 11/13-11/16

The textbook is available through your student portal 


Assigned 11/13 & 11/14

I. Bell Ringer: Listen to the song “Over There” and answer the questions (NOTEBOOK)

    1.  Describe what you hear in the song.
    2. What was happening when the song was written?
    3.  Who do you think was the audience for this song?
    4. What methods does the songwriter use to persuade the audience?
    5. Do you agree or disagree with the message of the song? Why?
      II. Read Topic 5.2 “The Home Front during WWI” pages 279-282 and complete a graphic organizer (in your notebooks)

      III.  Look at 3 images of propaganda and identify the message and purpose put the titles of the propaganda (in your notebooks)
      IV. Create their own propaganda with a partner on: Selective Service Act, War Industries Board, war bonds, Espionage Ace, Sedition Act (to be turned in TO ME)
      V.  Respond to the following. How did the U.S.A. prepare the nation for war? What major issues affected the home front during WWI? (to be turned in TO ME)

Home learning: Due TO ME


research Schenck v. U.S. and respond to the questions below.

“The most stringent [strict] protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic…. The question in every case is whether the words used are in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent.”

--Supreme Court opinion written by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes


• Do you think Schenck’s actions created a “clear and present danger”?

• In times of war, which actions should be permitted as forms of free speech and which ones should be prohibited?


Assigned 11/15 & 11/16


I. Bell Ringer: Analyze the map of the Great Migration and answer the following (NOTEBOOK)


    2.  Description of method:
      II. Read pages 281-285 and complete a chart graphic organizer on the impacts on the various groups (in their notebooks)
      Women, African Americas, German Americans, Native Americans, Jewish Americans, Conscientious Objectors

      III. Share out on the whiteboard regarding the impact on African Americans, Women, Jewish Americans, and Conscientious Objectors
      III. Create a Venn diagram comparing two of the minorities groups (to be turned in TO ME)

      Home learning: DUE TO ME
       Create a political cartoon illustrating your opinion or point of view on a topic related to the impact of World War II on minorities. Explain in writing what the cartoon means and how it represents your views.




Notebook check due 11/8 for Even & 11/9 for Odd scroll below for the rubric.


Assigned 11/5 & 11/7  ( To be turned in)



Today the students did a rewrite of the paragraphs on the Spanish-American War applying the corrective feedback from the previous class. They also created a conclusion based on the gallery walk activity (two student samples are posted below. Choose 1 to write in your spiral).


To be turned in. Each paragraph is 4 sentences, capitalize proper nouns. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Write in past tense and avoid 1st person.


The first paragraph should be about the war between Cuba and Spain before the U.S.A. got involved. (use your notes, the textbook, or the video from the link below)


The second paragraph is about whether or not the explosion of the U.S.S. Maine caused the U.S.A. to get involved in the war. This is based on the documents you used for the you do assigned  11/1 or 11/2.  


The first sentence of the 2nd paragraph should say either 1. The explosion of the Maine caused the U.S.A. to get inivolved in the war or 2. The explosion of the Maine did not cause the U.S.A. to get involved in the war. Support it with your sources (According to ...).


The first sentence of the 3rd paragraph should read. The Spanish American War is one example of U.S. imperialism. Write 3 more sentences regarding the reasons or impact of imperialism ( for example the Annexation of Hawaii).



Assigned 11/1 and 11/2



Read the articles from the NY times and the NY Journal regading the explosion of the U.S.S. Maine. Answer the 3 questions and do a C.E.R. Copy the I do, We do, and the You do in your spiral. The You do documents are below.



You Do Make a C.E.R. (Claim Evidence and Reason) using 2 of the documents below

READ: "Prepared to Move"

Head Note: Lee was appointed the U.S. Consul-General in Havana, Cuba in 1896 by President Grover Cleveland. He wrote this letter to the Assistant Secretary of State in the U.S almost three months before the Maine explosion.

SIR: ...

I still think that two war ships at least should be at Key West, prepared to move here at short notice, and that more of them should be sent to Dry Tortugas, and a coal station be established there. Such proceedings would seem to be in line with that prudence and foresight necessary to afford safety to the Americans residing on the island, and to their properties, both of which, I have every reason to know, are objects of the greatest concern to our Government.

I am, etc.,



Source: Excerpt from telegram sent by Fitzhugh Lee, U.S. Consul-General in Cuba, December 3, 1897. Havana, Cuba.



READ: Miss Cuba Receives an Invitation

Head Note: Uncle Sam says to “her fair neighbor,” Miss Cuba (keenling): "Won’t you join the stars and be my forty-sixth?" By December 1898, the U.S. had defeated the Spanish and the Treaty of Paris gave the U.S. control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. In 1901, Cuba was under U.S. military rule, Cubans were drafting their constitution, and the role of the U.S. in Cuba was being debated in both countries.



Awake United States!

This song was rushed into print between the sinking of the Maine on February 16, 1898 and the declaration of war on April 25, 1898.

Eagle soar on high, and sound the battle cry!

1. How proudly sailed the warship Maine,
a Nation's pride, without a stain!
A wreck she lies, her sailors slain.
By Trecherous butchers, paid by Spain!


Eagle soar on high,
And sound the battle cry
Wave the starry flag!
In mire it shall not drag!

2. Why does the breeze such sad thoughts bring,
Like murmuring seas the echoes sing?
Why do clouds thus backward roll.
Like wave on wave, on rock on shoal!
3. Awake! Thy Stars and Stripes unfurl,
And shot and shell and vengeance hurl!
Though clouds gather, they will go,
and sunlight follow after woe.


Awake! it is no dream;
Dost hear the sailors scream?
Comrades will you go?
Avenge the cruel blow!
And crush their marble heart!
Marie Elizabeth Lamb, Awake United States! (New Orleans, LA: 1898).



Assigned 10/25 & 10/29 Due 10/30 & 10/31 ( in the interactive notebook- do it on paper and you can staple it in)



Create a chart with 4 arguments for imperialism and 4 arguments against imperialism. Answer the essential question. What were the arguments for and against U.S. imperialism? (4 sentences)



Assigned 10/29 & 10/30 Due 11/8 for Even & 11/9 for Odd (Be sure to check previously posted assignments for primary source documents)





Bell Ringer:  Watch video on interstate commerce

What is a monopoly and under which circumstances does the government permit them?




Answered chart question on page 101



Notes: Industrialization



Bell Ringer: Read the introduction of the “Men Who Built America”

What does the title mean?

Why do you think these men are credited with building America?




1.  Watch the clip “A New War Begins”

 Questions 1-7:37

1. Some may have called the United States a “failed experiment” after the Civil War. Why? 14:00-20:00

2. What role did Vanderbilt play in helping the country rebuild after the Civil War?

3. How did Vanderbilt deal with his competition?

4. What major industries emerged in the decades after the Civil War?

2.  Watch the clip “Oil Strike”

Questions 1-4:26

1. How is John Rockefeller an example of “beating the odds”? 8:00-12:13

2.  What is refining oil and why was it so important when oil first became a popular commodity?18:00-22:00

3.  Standard Oil was one of the nation’s first monopolies. What is a monopoly? Why do you think leaders like Rockefeller wanted to shut out competition? 30:00-34:00

4.  What was the Panic of 1873?

3. Read the excerpt of the Gospel of Wealth and answer the following: What does Carnegie say about the responsibilities of wealth?  Be sure to include academic vocabulary and reference the source




Situation Station:

Graphic organizer to determine if they were a Robber Barron or Industrialist




- Morgan




Watch the clip “A New Rival Emerges”


1.  What were some of the challenges Carnegie faced? Do you think he could have avoided these difficulties? 1:00-5:00

2.  What were J.P. Morgan’s major areas of business? Why was he such an important figure in U.S. history? 8:56-11:22; 14:00-15:57

3.  What role does risk play in big business? What kinds of risks did Carnegie and Rockefeller take? 29:00-30:00 36:00-39:00




Watch the video and answer the questions

                        1. Who were the muckrakers and what was their goal?

            1:51     2. Who was Ida Tarbell and how did she impact business?

            2:47     3. Who was Upton Sinclair and what was his impact?




Watch video on political machines first     1:55

      1. What is a political machine?

      2. How did politicians manipulate voters?

      3. What was the role of the city boss? first 2 minutes

      1. How did Boss Tweed get supporter from immigrants?

      2. How did Tweed finance his philanthropy?




Read about political machines on page 172-174 and answer the check for understanding




Bell Ringer: A common goal of Lincoln Steffens, Frank Norris, and Ida Tarbell was to

(1) encourage government officials to decrease the regulation of business

(2) publicize the achievements of the captains of industry

(3) create a demand for new political parties to replace the two major parties

(4) increase public awareness of social, political, and economic problems




Bell Ringer: The primary objective of the women’s movement

during the first two decades of the 20th century was to

(1) gain property rights

(2) promote higher education

(3) secure full suffrage rights

(4) win equal pay for equal work




Analyze the image:

  1. What differences do you see in the photographs?
  2. How do you think the lives of the city dwellers differ in both photographs?
  3. What might account for the differences?




Organizer on Urbanization and push and pull factors of urbanization



Bell Ringer:


Analyze the political cartoon using POSER and answer the following. What do the shadows behind the well-dressed men represent?




Web on Chinese and European immigrants



SOAPS: Punchi and Textile worker





Watch video on the Progressive Programs video. 1:37

            What was the goal of the progressives?

            What were some of the reforms/programs they promoted?

            Did Progressives achieve their goal?






Bell Ringer: POSER the image. Based on the image create a definition for imperialism.

Image result for IMPERIALISM



Notes: Imperialism



Bell Ringer: Review industrialization using (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning)

1The information below lists two major strikes in the late 19th century

How were these major strikes similar?

A. They ended in important defeats for organized labor.

B. They were stopped by the intervention of the U.S. Army.

C. They were secretly organized by the American Socialist Party.

D. They led to armed conflicts between workers and Pinkertons.




Watch the flipped video on ideas behind imperialism

            What factors drove U.S. imperialism?

            Why was a strong military necessary for imperialism to succeed?

            How was imperialism justified?

            What do you think about imperialism?




Bell Ringer:


Watch the video and take notes on what happened to the U.S.S. Maine


Answer the inquiry questions using the New York Journal

Answer the inquiry questions using the NY times




Situation stations answer the inquiry questions for

            a. documents Awake and McKinley

b. documents Camps and Move

c. documents March and Ms. Cuba





Bell Ringer:

 See the source image Complete a CER




Gallery walk chart






Interactive notebook

Foldable and paragraph are each worth 5 points






Strikes and organizations









226-251 A 201-225 B

176-224 C 151-175 D 150
























































































































































































































Assigned 10/25 & 10/29 Homework Due 10/31 for Odd and 11/1 for Even


Create an illustration of  your assigned term (see the chart)


Social Darwinism

Annexation of Hawaii

White Man’s Burden

Spanish-American War


Open Door Policy

“Big Stick Diplomacy”


Built the Panama Canal


Anti-Imperialist League


Roosevelt Corollary


Yellow Journalism


Alfred T. Mahan (strong navy)

Period 4

Alexis, Edmond

Brown, Nevaeh

Coney, Cach'E

Dumas, Kierra

Hernandez, Kevin

Jimenez, Marian

Joseph, Maxeau

Lumpkin, Timwanika

Moncrieffe, Daren

Patterson, Lajuan

President, Denise

Simon, Azam

Benjamin, Shakira

Carter, Rodericka

Delacruz, Hector

Hernandez, Aliyaih

Israel, Louicius

Johnson, Laniya

Lennon, Pajil

Masis, Nicole

Muhammad-Carte, Ali

Pinkston, Ka'Yonna

Reynolds, Tishann

Smith, Raniyah







Stafford, D'Andre

Taylor, Tevin











Taylor, David

Williams, Natalya





Period 8


Social Darwinism

Annexation of Hawaii

White Man’s Burden

Spanish-American War


Open Door Policy

“Big Stick Diplomacy”


Built the Panama Canal


Anti-Imperialist League


Roosevelt Corollary


Yellow Journalism


Alfred T. Mahan (strong navy)

Brunner, Rayquwann

Forbes, Nia

Harris, Destiny

Jackson, Darius

Johnson, Savienn

Rowe, Lawrence

Soares, Lecian

Vandyke, Twankeria

Hood, Tamia

Soutullo, Kasandra

James, Diovonni

Hargrett, Breanna

Darrazi, Elias




Lewis-Heyward, Zamirr

Smith, Reynold







Period 1


Social Darwinism

Annexation of Hawaii

White Man’s Burden

Spanish-American War


Open Door Policy

“Big Stick Diplomacy”


Built the Panama Canal


Anti-Imperialist League


Roosevelt Corollary


Yellow Journalism


Alfred T. Mahan (strong navy)

Aguilar, Jose

Atkins, Amari

Cantey, Antoine

Clark, Kasdricka

Climpson, L


Dorsey, Shylar

Ebanks, Fredranese

Hernandez, Enrique

Jenkins, Ashanti

Maurice, Daniel

Morales, Christian

Puntiel, Jhonelly

Antoine, Johnathan

Castillo, Cristian

Ceron, Esther

Day, Tahjai

Davis, Mashyia

Drayton, Tamara

Gordon, Dominique

Hodge, Jabari

Lewis, Keane

Mcduffie, Dontrell

Perez, Christophe

Reid, Shayla

Richardson, Angel

Richburg, Joshua

Wallace, Arthur

Walker, Antwan









Period 3


Social Darwinism

Annexation of Hawaii

White Man’s Burden

Spanish-American War


Open Door Policy

“Big Stick Diplomacy”


Built the Panama Canal


Anti-Imperialist League


Roosevelt Corollary


Yellow Journalism


Alfred T. Mahan (strong navy)

Batts, Nadejah

Britt, Marc

Carter, Bryanna

Dorival, Felicity

Guevara, Joshua

Leon, Emilie

Miller, Tiffany

Morris, Jalin

Ocana, Britney

Sparks, Monhongany

Virgo, Shantell

Walters, Emmany

Bohler, Cassie

Bullard, Genesis

Destave, Aleiya

Garzon, Blasdimir

Hackett, Keion

Lermaalban, Fernando

Moore, Sapphire

Obsaint, Emanuel

Rhodes, Malik

Taylor, Ashley



Period 5


Social Darwinism

Annexation of Hawaii

White Man’s Burden

Spanish-American War


Open Door Policy

“Big Stick Diplomacy”


Built the Panama Canal


Anti-Imperialist League


Roosevelt Corollary


Yellow Journalism


Alfred T. Mahan (strong navy)

Agu, Loveth

Boynton, Nikeia

Charles, Shelton

Dunbar, Destiny

Goree, Elijah

Hepburn, Jai'El

Jackson-Owens, Davonte

Logan, Kashariay

Proctor, Samuel

Rodriguez, Steven

Valdezcastillo, Crismeiry

Walton, Latwan

Boyd, Shonteria

Cabrera, Yuliana

Collins, Gerrod

Gardner, Tishari

Harris, Reuben

Hernandez, Susana

Knowles, Kamari

Picado, Jennifer

Riveroleal, Jesus

Saldarriaga, Alfonso



Period 7


Social Darwinism

Annexation of Hawaii

White Man’s Burden

Spanish-American War


Open Door Policy

“Big Stick Diplomacy”


Built the Panama Canal


Anti-Imperialist League


Roosevelt Corollary


Yellow Journalism


Alfred T. Mahan (strong navy)

Acosta, Maryann

Balart, Danny

Browner, Quortni

Darbouze, Zavion

Foster, Janiya

Graham, Brentasia

Guevara, Justin

Hylton, Rushane

Kendrick, Shayla'

Lewis, Shamyia

Medrano, Jose

Nelson, Kendrick

Alas-Rauda, Melvin

Beard, Dextiney

Crittenden, Tierra

Diaz-Betances, Jose

Gonzalez, Jonathan

Guerra, Greter

Hood, James

Janvier, Junior

Leoncruz, Luis

Mcintyre, Tyaisha

Michel, Ge'Naysha

Rivas, Jonathan

Anderson, Malik








Saldana, Marco

Sanchez, Dominga

Stokes, Darius

Thomas, Darryl


















































Assigned 10/19 & 10/22 Classwork


Watch the video and create a web of the Causes, courses, and consequences of Progressive  reforms


You MUST sign in to the student portal and select Discovery learning for the link to work


Assigned 10/15 & 10/16 (in your spiral notebook)


1. Bell Ringer: 

Analyze the political cartoon using POSER and answer the following. What do the shadows behind the well-dressed men represent?

2. Read immigrant arrivals at Ellis Island and Angel Island and complete a web and answer the check for understanding page 124-125  

3. Read  the social issues facing immigrants on pages 126-127 and add to the web answer the check for understanding on page 127 in notebooks 

4. Read and analyze the documents using SOAPS (Speaker, Origin, Audience, Purpose)




Source 1

Pun Chi Appeals to Congress on Behalf of Chinese Immigrants in California (1870)

Pun Chi outlines the many ways life in California has betrayed the hopes of Chinese immigrants and violated the basic principles of common humanity.

…The ship-masters of your extolled nation came over to our country lauded the equality of your laws, officers and people were extremely cordial toward the Chinese…we trusted your sincerity. Not deterred by the long voyage we came here presuming that our arrival would be hailed with favor. But,…when former kind relations are forgotten, when we the Chinese are viewed like thieves and enemies. The conduct of officers of justice here has been influenced by temporary prejudices and that your honorable government will surely not uphold their acts….Your Supreme Court has decided that the Chinese shall not bring action or give testimony against white men… Shall this degrade us beneath the negro and the Indian?...perhaps robbers come and strip him of the gold. He dare not resist, since he cannot speak the language…they assault [us] with pistols and other weapons, and some miners have lost their lives, and there is no redress…your courts refuse us the right of testimony; your legislature load us with increasing taxes and devise means hot to wholly expel us…

Source 2

Steel Worker Explains the Labor Market (1885)

Thomas O’Donnell worked as a mule spinner (operated a machine that spun cotton fibers into yarn) for eleven years in textile mills in Fall River, Massachusetts.

Senator Blair: Are you a married man?

Thomas O’Donnell: Yes, sir; I am a married man; I have a wife and two children. I am not very well educated, I went to work when I was young and have been working ever since in the cotton business; went to work when I was about eight or nine years old. I was going to state how I live. My children get along very well in summer time, on account of not having to buy fuel or shoes or one thing and another. I earn $1.50 a day and can’t afford to pay very big house rent. I pay $1.50 a week in rent, which comes to $6.00 a month.

Blair: That is, you pay this where you are in Fall River?

O’Donnell: Yes, Sir.

Blair: Do you have work right along?

O’Donnell: No sir; since that strike we had down in Fall River about three year ago I have not worked much more than half the time, and that has brought me circumstance down very much.

Blair: Why have you not worked more than half the time since then?

O’Donnell: In a great many cases they discharge men in that work and put men who have sons. Men who have sons of their own capable enough to work in a mill, to earn $.30 or $.40 a day.

Blair: Is the object of that to enable boys to earn something for himself?

O’Donnell: Well, no; the object is this: They are doing away with mule spinning and putting in ring spinning, and for that reason it takes a good deal of small help to run the ring work.


Write a paragraph addressing the following 3 items (IN YOUR NOTEBOOK)  

A. What The experience of Chinese immigrants like?

B. The experience of European immigrants like?

C. How did they differ?


Assigned 10/09 & 10/10 Classwork (In your spiral notebook)


1.    Bell Ringer: A common goal of Lincoln Steffens, Frank Norris, and Ida Tarbell was to

       (1) encourage government officials to decrease the regulation of business

       (2) publicize the achievements of the captains of industry

       (3) create a demand for new political parties to replace the two major parties

       (4) increase public awareness of social, political, and economic problems


 2.    Video : Political Machines 

      1. What is a political machine?

      2. How did politicians manipulate voters?

     3. What was the role of the city boss?


      Video: Boss Tweed


     1. How did Boss Tweed get support from immigrants?

     2. How did Tweed finance his philanthropy?


3.     Go to the online textbook (access through your student portal) read pages 172-174 and answer the check for understanding on

        page 174. How did the spoil system encourage government corruption and eventually government reform?


4.     TO BE TURNED IN 10/16 Odd periods: You are a muckraker exposing the corrupt practices of political machines. Write a newspaper article warning immigrants why       

         they should not accept favors from people like Boss Tweed (One paragraph minimum).


Assigned 10/05 & 10/08 Watch the video and answer the questions


1. Who were the muckrakers and what was their goal 

2. Who was Ida Tarbell and how did she impact business?

3. Who was Upton Sinclair and what was his impact?


Study for Topic 1 Assessment ( Civil War, Reconstruction, Westward Expansion, and Industrialization)

10/03 for Even and 10/04 for Odd


Assigned 9/24 and 9/25


Homework Due 10/04 for Odd 10/05 and for Even

Create a visual of one of the following terms: Industrialization, Captain of industry, monopoly, railroads, vertical integration, horizontal integration, Standard Oil


Assigned 9/28 &  10/01


1. Think-write: (to be turned in) This  is due 10/02 for period 7 & 10/03 periods 4 & 8


     1. How did the industrialist change America?

     2. Discuss Robber Baron and Captains of industry. How could the different terms be used to describe the same people?

     3. How could workers improve their condition?


2. Answered the essential question regarding innovations in the interactive notebook. How did American industrial achievements and developments impact society and the economy?


3. Students analyzed documents to complete the organizer. The last box requires you to decide if they are Robber Barons or Captains of Indurty. Copy one ONE into your notebook.

Assigned 9/26 and 9/27

Bell Ringer: Analyze the chart on page 111. Contrast the differences between horizontal and vertical integration. How did steel transform the United States?


Notes on industrialization (see notes tab)


Watch the clip “A New Rival Emerges”


1.  What were some of the challenges Carnegie faced? Do you think he could have avoided these difficulties? 1:00-5:00

2.  What were J.P. Morgan’s major areas of business? Why was he such an important figure in U.S. history? 8:56-11:22; 14:00-15:57

3.  What role does risk play in big business? What kinds of risks did Carnegie and Rockefeller take? 29:00-30:00 36:00-39:00


Assigned 9/24 and 9/25


Homework Due 10/04 for Odd 10/05 and for Even

Create a visual of one of the following terms: Industrialization, Captain of industry, monopoly, railroads, vertical integration, horizontal integration, Standard Oil



1.  Watch the clip “A New War Begins”

 Questions 1-7:37

1. Some may have called the United States a “failed experiment” after the Civil War. Why? 14:00-20:00

2. What role did Vanderbilt play in helping the country rebuild after the Civil War?

3. How did Vanderbilt deal with his competition?

4. What major industries emerged in the decades after the Civil War?

2.  Watch the clip “Oil Strike”

Questions 1-4:26

1. How is John Rockefeller an example of “beating the odds”? 8:00-12:13

2.  What is refining oil and why was it so important when oil first became a popular commodity?18:00-22:00

3.  Standard Oil was one of the nation’s first monopolies. What is a monopoly? Why do you think leaders like Rockefeller wanted to shut out competition? 30:00-34:00

4.  What was the Panic of 1873



2. Gospel of Wealth


Read the excerpt of the Gospel of Wealth and answer the following: What does Carnegie say about the responsibilities of wealth? 


Assigned 9/11 and 9/12

Create a visual based on the key term (Grange, Grange Laws, Farmers Alliance, Bimetallism, Homestead Act, Dawes Act) due 9/13 for Odd and 9/14 for Even


Interview someone who was alive on September 11, 2001. Due 9/17 for Odd and 9/18 for Even

1. Where were you?

2. How did it make you feel?

3. How did the events change the country? How different was life after 9/11?

4. What sticks out the most for you that day? Why?

Write a reflection about what you learned from the interview.


Assigned 9/6 and 9/7 Due 9/20 for Odd and 9/21 for Even





Bell Ringer: 1 Questions Based on quote

Analyze the quotes. Based on the quotes what were the causes of the Civil War?

            “…The South maintained with the depth of religious conviction that the Union formed under the Constitution was a Union of consent and not of force; that the original States were not the creatures but the creators of the Union; that these States had gained their independence, their freedom, and their sovereignty from the mother country…” -John B Gordon Confederate General Reminiscences of the Civil War


“[African Americans] had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise, whenever profit could be made by it.” Chief Justice Taney, Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)




Situation Station: POSER



Situation Station: Map

  1. What is the title of the map?
  2. What can we learn from the map?
  3. What do the colors represent?
  4. How many states were free and slave?
  5. Which areas do you think would have had greater tension and why?




Situation Station: SOAP

“Northern States of a political school which has persistently claimed that the government thus formed was not a compact between States, but was in effect a national government, set up above and over the States...The creature has been exalted above its creators; the principals have been made subordinate to the agent appointed by themselves.”
-Jefferson Davis Message to confederate Congress April 29, 1861




Bell Ringer: SOAP & 2 Questions

And be it further enacted, That any person who shall knowingly and willingly obstruct, hinder, or prevent such claimant ... from arresting such a fugitive from service or labor, either with or without process as aforesaid, or shall rescue, or attempt to rescue, such fugitive from service or labor, from the custody of such claimant ...; or shall aid, abet, or assist such person ... to escape from such claimant ...; or shall harbor or conceal such fugitive, so as to prevent the discovery and arrest of such person, after notice or knowledge of the fact that such person was a fugitive from service or labor as aforesaid, shall, for either of said offences, be subject to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, and imprisonment not exceeding six months ...; and shall moreover forfeit and pay, by way of civil damages to the party injured by such illegal conduct, the sum of one thousand dollars for each fugitive so lost as aforesaid, to be recovered by action of debt ...

                                                                                    -Fugitive Slave Act 1850

What constitutional issue is being raised?

What can we deduce from punishment of non-blacks? (John Brown)




Bell Ringer: POSER & 2 Questions

What issues is addressed?

Which view is being depicted?





Notes: cause of the Civil War



Situation Station: History lab Reconstruction



Situation Station: Reconstruction image

            1. What issues is addressed?

            2. Which view is being depicted?

            3. Which view is being criticized?





Bell Ringer: POSER & 2 Questions


1. What issues is addressed 

2. What is the creator’s viewpoint?




Bell Ringer: Multiple choice question

Which government action most directly prompted the publication of this poster?



(1) issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation

(2) passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act

(3) rejection of the Wilmot Proviso

(4) adoption of the Missouri Compromise




Notes: Reconstruction



Bell Ringer: Multiple choice question

At the start of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln stated that the major reason for fighting the war was to

(1) break the South’s economic ties to Great Britain

(2) uphold the Constitution by preserving the Union

(3) enforce the terms of the Compromise of 1850

(4) punish the Confederate states for leaving the Union




Practice Question: Civil War



Bell Ringer: Multiple choice question

. . . The object of the amendment was undoubtedly to enforce the absolute equality of the two races before the law, but, in the nature of things, it could not have been intended to abolish distinctions based upon color, or to enforce social, as distinguished from political, equality, or a commingling of the two races upon terms unsatisfactory to either. Laws permitting, and even requiring, their separation in places where they are liable to be brought into contact do not necessarily imply the inferiority of either race to the other, and have been generally, if not universally, recognized as within the competency of the state legislatures in the exercise of their police power. The most common instance of this is connected with the establishment of separate schools for white and colored [African American] children, which has been held to be a valid exercise of the legislative power even by courts of States where the political rights of the colored race have been longest and most earnestly enforced. . . .

— United States Supreme Court, 1896

In this 1896 decision, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of

(1) the Three-fifths Compromise

(2) Jim Crow laws

(3) affirmative action programs

(4) racial integration




Practice Question: Reconstruction



Bell Ringer: POSER


1. What issues is addressed?

            2. What is the creator’s viewpoint?




Notes:  Westward Expansion



Bell Ringer: Point of view question page 178



Bell Ringer: Multiple choice question

During the 1870s, the Granger movement attracted the support of many western farmers because it proposed that

(1) the money supply should be deflated by removing paper currency from circulation

(2) shipping rates and grain storage fees charged by railroads should be regulated

(3) immigrants should be given land on the Great Plains

(4) the government should control the development of resources in the West




Video: Dawes Act

What was the Dawes Act and how was racism used to justify it?




Unit 1 activity Gateway






Interactive notebook

Foldable and paragraph are each worth 5 points



Civil War



3 plans for Reconstruction













162-180 A 144-161 B

126-143 C 108-125 D 107







Assigned 9/4 Due 9/6 for period 3


Essay on the Civil War


Three paragraphs he first paragraph in on the causes of the Civil War, 2nd paragraph is the course of the war, 3rd paragraph is about Reconstruction. Each parargraph should be 4 sentences minimum.

    • Be sure to use the content in the foldables and notes
    • Each person needs to do their own (do not copy anyone or the internet)
    • Capitalize proper nouns
    • Be sure to use content vocabular


Assigned 8/30 & 8/31


Read the overview of civil war from the website  below and answer the following questions


  1. Why were southerners defensive of slavery?
  2. Who were the three abolitionist and what did they do?
  3. What did the Supreme Court rule in 1857?
  4. The war initially began as a struggle to do what?
  5. What happened Dec. 6, 1865?

Due 9/4 for Odd and 9/5 for Even




Assigned 8/20-21 
Review Syllabus and return the signed acknowledgement Due 8/22 Odd and 8/23 Even




Assigned 8/21-22 U.S. History

Create an illustration of one of the key terms on unlined paper. (Compromise 1850, Freeport Doctrine, Dred Scott, Kansas-Nebraska-Act, Sectionalism, Plessy vs. Ferguson) Due 8/23 for Even and 8/24 for Odd










































Due May 4 for Even and April  27 for Odd (Classwork))

Answer the following questions for 1960s, Civil Rights, Foreign Policy & Terrorism



1.  What was the Tet Offensive?

2. What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?

3. What is the domino theory?

4.  Who are doves and hawks?

5. What was the Kent State shooting?

6. What was Vietnamization?

7. What did Kennedy’s new frontier focus on?

8. What were some of Johnson’s Great Society programs?

9. What was the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)?

Civil Rights

1. What was significant about Brown vs. the Board of Education?

2. What was the 24th Amendment?

3. What was the Civil Rights Act of 1965?

4. What was the purpose of the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

5. Who desegregated the military?

6. Which organization was led by Cesar Chavez?

7. What was the purpose of the immigration Act of 1965?

8. What was the Regents Univ. of California vs. Bakke?

9. What was Roe v. Wade?

Date:  August 21 & 22, 2017


Topic: Civil War


Essential Question: What were the main causes of the Civil War?


Objective: Today I’m learning the economic, social, and political causes of the Civil War. I will know I got it when I can explain how the differences led to a split in the North and South. I will demonstrate it by writing a response to the essential question.


Vocabulary: Compromise 1850, Freeport Doctrine, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Ostend Manifesto, sectionalism, Dred Scott decision


Bell Ringer: Analyze the quotes. Based on the quotes what were the causes of the Civil War

            “…The South maintained with the depth of religious conviction that the Union formed under the Constitution was a Union of consent and not of force; that the original States were not the creatures but the creators of the Union; that these States had gained their independence, their freedom, and their sovereignty form the mother country…” -John B Gordon Confederate General Reminiscences of the Civil War


“[African Americans] had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise, whenever profit could be made by it.” Chief Justice Taney, Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)


Description of method: Students will:

  1. Review the syllabus
  2. Review the benchmark and essential question
  3. Introduce the foldable for the benchmark
  4. Model the economic causes of the Civil war
  5. Read the section in the book and code as social causes with an elbow partner (each must find one) and complete the section of the foldable
  6. Read the section in the book political causes and complete the section of the foldable
  7. Situation stations
  1. POSER political cartoon
  2. Analyze map and answer the question
  1. What is the title of the map?
  2. What can we learn from the map?
  3. What do the colors represent?
  4. How many states were free and slave?
  5. Which areas do you think would have had greater tension and why?
  1. Analyze reading passage using SOAPS  
    “Northern States of a political school which has persistently claimed that the government thus formed was not a compact between States, but was in effect a national government, set up above and over the States...The creature has been exalted above its creators; the principals have been made subordinate to the agent appointed by themselves.”
    -Jefferson Davis Message to confederate Congress April 29, 1861



1. Pen/pencil

2. Smart board

3. Syllabus

4. PowerPoint

5. Class website


Assessment: Students will be assessed on their participation and written response synthesizing the essential question. A.2.1.


ESOL/ESE Strategies: Students are presented with visuals and work in groups.


Home learning: Return signed syllabus 8/25 & 8/26 Graphic relating to the benchmark for timeline A.2.1.



10. What was the court ruling in Gideon vs. Wainwright?

11. What was the court ruling in Miranda vs. Arizona?

12. What was the court ruling in Mapp vs. Ohio?

13. What was the court ruling in Bakke vs. Carr?

Foreign Policy

1. What is détente?

2. What was the OPEC boycott?

3. What was the Camp David Accord?

4. What was Reaganomics?

5. What was the Iran-Contra Affair?

6. What was the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars)?

7. Who did the U.S. fight in the Persian Gulf War?

8. What is NAFTA and why was it created?


1. What happened on 9/11?

2. What two government actions have been used to keep Americans safe post 9/11?


Notebook check 4/25 Odd and 4/26 Even (See notebook check tab for rubric)

Due April 25 for Odd and April 26 for Even

Answer the following questions for Great Depression, WWII, & Post WWII


Great Depression

1. What is a Bull Market?

2. What is Black Tuesday?

3. What was Hoover’s approach to the depression?

4. Who was the Bonus Army?

5. What is Hooverville?

6. What was the purpose of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation?

7. Who are the Oakies?

8.  What was the purpose of the FDIC?

9. What was the alphabet soup?

10. What was the Wagner Act?

11. What New Deal program was created to aid the unemployed, retired, and disabled?

12. Who brought the railroad to Florida?



1. Why did the U.S. get involved in WWII?

2. What was “The day that will live in infamy” according to Franklin Roosevelt?

3. What were the neutrality Acts?

4. What were the causes of WWII?

5. Why did the League of Nations fail?

6. What was appeasement and how was it used in WWII?

7. In what three ways the U.S. Homefront prepared for war?

8. What were internment camps in the U.S?

9. What was significant about Korematsu vs. the U.S.?

10. What was the Battle of Midway?

11. What was D-Day invasion?

12.  What was the strategy in the Pacific?

13. How was the war ended in the Pacific?

14. What was the purpose of the United Nations?

15. Who was “the father of death”?

16. What was significant about Los Alamos, New Mexico and Oak Ridge, TN?



1. What was the Iron Curtain?

2. Why did Khrushchev build the Berlin Wall?

3.  What was McCarthyism?

4. What was the purpose of the House Un-American Committee?

5. What is black listing?

6. What was the purpose of the Yalta conference?

7. What did Stalin agree to at the Potsdam conference?

8. What was the purpose of the Marshall Plan?

9. What was the western alliance formed after WWII?

10. What was the eastern alliance formed after WWII?

11. What was the purpose of the Eisenhower Doctrine?

12. What was Sputnik?

13. What was the Bay of Pigs?

14. What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?


Due April 19 for Odd and April 20 for Even

Answer the following questions for Progressive Movement, Imperialism, WWI, & 1920s


Progressive Movement

1. Who are muckrakers?

2. Who wrote the Jungle and what did it expose?

3. What company did Ida Tarbell expose?

4. Why did Jane Adams create Hull Houses?

5. What is the Populist movement?

6. Who was Boss Tweed?

7. What did the Chinese Exclusion Act do?

8. What was the Gentlemen’s Agreement?

9. What were Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott advocation for?  

10. What is prohibition and which amendment created it?

11. What is the 21st amendment?



1. What is imperialism?

2. What do imperialist nations need to be successful?

3. What is the White Man’s Burden?

4. Why did Theodore Roosevelt send out the White Fleet?

5. What is the Roosevelt Corollary?

6. What does it mean to “speak softly and carry a big stick”?

7. What territories did the U.S. acquire after defeating Spain in the Spanish American war?

8. What is yellow journalism?

9. What did the de Lomé letter do?

10.  Who did we acquire Alaska and Hawaii from?

11. Why did the U.S. want control of the Panama Canal?

12. What did the U.S. establish in Puerto Rico?

13. What did the Teller Amendment and the Platt Amendment do?



1. What did the Zimmerman telegram state?

2. How did the sinking of the Lusitania impact public opinion about WWI?

3. What technology made WWI the first modern war?

4. What is the selective service Act?

5. What was the purpose of the Sedition and Espionage Acts?

6. What were the four causes of WWI in Europe?

7. Which made up the Central Powers?

8. Which countries made up the Allied Powers?

9. What was were the conditions stipulated for Germany in the Treaty of Versailles?

10. What was the Fourteen Point Speech?



1. What was the U.S. foreign policy in the 1920s?

2. What was the Red Scare?

3. Which two men were convicted of murder mostly because they were anarchist and communist?

4. Who did the Palmer Raids target?

5. Which two policies were created to limit immigration?

6. What was the purpose of the Washington Naval Conference?

7. What was the purpose of the Kellogg Briand Pact?

8. What did Booker T. Washington promote?

9. What did DuBois promote?

10. What did Garvey promote?

11. What happened in Rosewood?

12. What was the Tea Pot Dome scandal?

13. What was the Smoot-Hawley Tariff?

14. What was significant about Scopes Trial?


Due April 12 for Even and April 13 for Odd

Answer the following questions for Civil War, Reconstuction, Westward Expansion, & Industrialization


Civil War

1. Thaddeus Stephens was a member of which political party?

2. What did Radical Republican’s want for blacks?

3. What was the Emancipation Proclamation?

4. What was did the Supreme Court rule about African Americans in the Dred Scott case?

5. Who was John Brown?

6. Who was Harriet Beecher Stowe?

7. What was Uncle Tom’s Cabin a critique of?

8. What was significant about the attack on Fort Sumter?

9. What was significant about Lincoln’s election in 1860?

10. What was significant about Plessy vs. Ferguson?



1. What did the 13th Amendment do?

2. What did the 14th Amendment do?

3. What did the 15th Amendment do?

4. What is enfranchisement?

5. Which two laws were created to limit the rights of blacks?

6. Who was Hiram Revels?

7. What three ways were the voting rights of African American’s limited?


Westward Expansion

1. What three factors motivated westward expansion?

2. What was the Homestead Act?

3. How did the government capture Native American lands out west?

4. What was Little Big Horn, the Sand Creek Massacre and Wounded Knee?

5. Which industry posed a challenge for farmers?

6. What movement did farmers create in response to railroad abuses?

7. What was bimetallism and who gave the Cross of Gold Speech?



1. Which natural resources made industrialization possible?

2. Where were most factories located?

3. Where did immigrants work?

4. What was the Great Migration?

5. What is monopoly?

6. What is the difference between Captain of Industry and Robber Baron?

7. Which industry did Carnegie monopolize and which form of integration did he use to achieve this?

8. Which industry did Vanderbilt monopolize?

9. Which industry did J.P. Morgan monopolize?

10. Which company did Rockefeller found and which form of integration did he use to achieve this?

11. What is the difference between vertical and horizontal integration?

12. What invention did Thomas Edison make?

13. What invention did Tesla make?

14. What were three problems created by industrialization?

15. How did workers get better working conditions?

16. Who Was admitted into the American Federation of Labor (AFL)?

17. Who were admitted to the Knights of Labor?


April 4, 2018 Due April 9th


I. Analyze the chart on page 703 and answer the questions.


II. Read and answer the questions

1. Read pages 702 and explain

            1. What was Reaganomics?

2. Read pages 710-711

            1. What was the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)?

            3. What was the Iran Contra Affair?

            4. What were glasnost and perestroika?

4. Read pages 719-720

            1. What was significant about Tiananmen Square?

            2. What was the Persian Gulf War and Operation Desert Storm?

5. Read pages 723-724

            1. What humanitarian crisis did the Clinton administration contend with?


III. Complete the President Policy Project (see President Policy Project tab)


Study for topic test March 15 for Even March 16 for Odd


Assigned March 13 per. 4 Due March 15th I will check it in your notebook

Click on the name of the video for the hyperlink

Bell Ringer video Levittown

1. How does Levittown reflect prosperity of post WWII America?

2. Who were the houses made for?


Video questions Civil Rights and the Cold War

            1. What were the key moments of the Civil Rights Movement?

            2. What was the purpose of the Freedom Rides?

            3. What role did television play in the Civil Rights Movement?

            4. What was the purpose of the March on Washington?

            5. What role did the Cold War play in the Civil Rights Movement?

            6. What was the Civil Rights Act?


Homework Due March 8 for Odd and March 9 for Even

Select a key term relating to the Cold War and create an illustration.


Classwork March 2, 2018 PERIOD 1 DUE THURSDAY 3/8

Questions are under Topic 8 Assessment tab


 On page 499 Analyze data. Analyze the graphs titled the Effects of the Korean War and answer the question: After the Korean War how much did the U.S. spend on defense than before the war?

Complete Topic 8 Assessments questions on page 536 answer questions

A. Key Terms, People’s, and Ideas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8

B. Critical Thinking 10a., 14a. 14 b., 16a, and 16b.

C. Document Based questions on page 537: 19, 20, and 21

There are a total of 15 questions assigned due today to the subsitute.


Classwork 2/20 and 2/21


Bell Ringer:

Base your answer to the question on the speech below and on your knowledge of social studies.

Good evening, my fellow citizens. This Government, as promised, has maintained the closest surveillance of the Soviet military build-up on the island of Cuba. Within the past week unmistakable evidence has established the fact that a series of offensive missile sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. The purposes of these bases can be none other than to provide a nuclear strike capability against the Western Hemisphere….— President John F. Kennedy, Report to

the American People, October 22, 1962


President John F. Kennedy reacted strongly to the situation described in this speech primarily because

(1) the United States feared an influx of Cuban refugees

(2) these missiles could threaten United States oil supplies in South America

(3) the location of Cuba would allow the United States little time to respond to an attack

(4) the United States and the Warsaw Pact nations had formed a military alliance




Watch the first 15 minutes and answer the following 16 questions in complete sentences


            1. Why did the Americans want neutrality?

            2. Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany?

            3. What was the purpose of the Neutrality laws?

            4. Who were the Axis Powers?

            5. What was the Atlantic Charter?

            6. What happened DEC. 7, 1941?

            7. What role did factories play in WWII?

            8. Why did Truman drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

            9. What was post war American economy like?

            10. What is the baby boom?

            11. What was the Marshall Plan?

            12. What was the Cold War?

            13. What happened in Korea 1948?

            14. What was the arms race?

            15. Who was Joseph McCarthy?

            16. How did the U.S. government prepare the country for war?


Finish the essay on WWII (Three paragraps on the cause, course and the home front/long term consequences of the war) Due 2/15 for periods 5 and 7


Create an illsutration of WWII key terms due 2/09 for Odd and 2/12 for Even


Notebook check Due 2/14 for Even and 2/15 for Odd







Video: WWI 5 question

1. How did World War I finally end?

2. What were the major outcomes of the war?

3. What was Wilson’s goal at Versailles?

4. How do you think Hitler’s experiences in WWI shaped him as a person and a leader?

5. What ideological philosophies did he develop after the war?





Notes: 1920s




Video:  1920-1929: Boom To Bust

50 sec-13:28    1. What did the 18th Amendment do?

            2. What is prohibition?

            3. What are speakeasies?

4. How did prohibition lead to organized crime?

5. Why is the 1920s considered the modern age?

6. Where was the capital of jazz?

7. Who was the new negro?

17:30   8. How were items bought?

 20:38  9. How was the new woman of the 1920s?

27:00 10. What happened to Klan membership in the 1920s?

11. Who was Charles Lindbergh?

            12. What happened October 29, 1929?





Video: “I am a Man Dr. King”

1. How did blacks respond to the disparities in Memphis?

2. What were blacks demanding?

3. How did the strike evolve?

4. What was the role of Dr. King?

5. How was the march disrupted?

6. What was the impact on Dr. King’s reputation?

7. What was the outcome of the protest in Memphis?





Notes: Great Depression




Video: Depression/New Deal

1. What was Hoover’s response to the Great Depression?

2. What were the three goals of the New Deal?

3. What was the FDIC?

4. What was the goal?

5. What were the fireside chats?

6. What were the New Deal programs?





Bell Ringer: Hitler at the Reichstag

1. In what way does this photo differ from what you have seen of the American government?

2. How would a military government differ from a civilian government?

3. How might Nazi’s use this photo to gain support?







Jigsaw: Causes of WWII




Notes: WW II




Inter. Notebook: Foldable and paragraph. are 5. pt. ea




Minorities in WWI




Black leaders




Depression and New Deal




Causes WWI and WWII








Total 210-233 A 190-209 B 165-189 C 140--164 D 139<0 F






























































Links to review videos



Homework due 1/26 for Odd and 1/29 for Even

1. Create an illsutration of either the Great Depression or the New Deal.

2. Watch the video "US History Review and Industrialization" and write the responses in complete sentences. You do not have to copy the questions.;_ylt=A0LEV7shd2ha8H4AMGcnnIlQ?p=industrialization&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&fr2=piv-web&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002#id=4&vid=7d96a145993577cc00d3d1f0796ec922&action=view

1. What Resources stimulated new industries?

2. What two ways did railroads help the nation?

3. What is vertical integration? What is horizontal integration?

4. What is the Sherman-Anti Trust Act?

5. How did Social Darwinism promote Laissez-faire?

6. Why did workers form unions?

7. What was the impact of the Homestead strike and the Pullman strike?

8. Where did immigrants come from and where were they processed?

9. What was the Chinese Exclusion Act and why did nativist support it?

10. What problems did the growing population of immigrants cause in cities?

11. Why did Social Gospel develop?

12. What did Jane Adams do?

13. What was the political machines? Who was Boss Tweed?

14 What were the goals of the progressives?

15. What was temperance?

16. Who were muckrakers?

17. How did reformers help to grow the power of the people?

18. Which amendment allowed women to vote?

19. Why was Roosevelt the “Trust Buster”?

20. What policy did populist support?

21. What did the Grange movement want government to do?

22. What was The Jungle and who wrote it?

Classwork 1/17 and 1/18

I. Watch the video "The New Deal in three mintues" and answer the following questions:;_ylt=AwrDQykdS19a.3QAN_UsnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTBncGdyMzQ0BHNlYwNzZWFyY2gEdnRpZAM-;_ylc=X1MDMTM1MTE5NTY5MgRfcgMyBGFjdG4DY2xrBGJjawNicmkwNzExZDV1aW9qJTI2YiUzRDMlMjZzJTNEcWYEY3NyY3B2aWQDTHRES0dqRXdMakc5eUFjSVdsOUxFd0w2TVRZNExnQUFBQUNQNzZMawRmcgN5aHMtbW96aWxsYS0wMDIEZnIyA3NhLWdwBGdwcmlkAzVpYkxKQUNaU3pHczRjeE5fQ3oxS0EEbXRlc3RpZANudWxsBG5fcnNsdAM2MARuX3N1Z2cDMARvcmlnaW4DdmlkZW8uc2VhcmNoLnlhaG9vLmNvbQRwb3MDMARwcXN0cgMEcHFzdHJsAwRxc3RybAMyOARxdWVyeQNzdW1tYXJ5IG9mIG5ldyBkZWFsIHByb2dyYW1zBHRfc3RtcAMxNTE2MTk2OTgwBHZ0ZXN0aWQDbnVsbA--?gprid=5ibLJACZSzGs4cxN_Cz1KA&pvid=LtDKGjEwLjG9yAcIWl9LEwL6MTY4LgAAAACP76Lk&p=summary+of+new+deal+programs&ei=UTF-8&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av%2Cm%3Asa&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&hsimp=yhs-002&hspart=mozilla#id=2&vid=8c149b9f20834c378414a379dc4adabd&action=view

1. What was Hoover’s response to the Great Depression?

2. What were the three goals of the New Deal?

3. What was the FDIC?

4. What was the goal?

5. What were the fireside chats?

6. What were the New Deal programs?

II. Create two organizers see 1 and 2 below.

    1. Create an organizer on the cause and effects of the Great Depression

    2. Create an organizer of the New Deal Programs and their impact

III. Write 2 paragraphs (4 sentences addressing each part of the question) addressing the essential qustion below. Use the information from the chat you did for II. 

     What were the causes and consequences of the Great Depression and how did the government respond?


Assignment 12/18 & 12/19

Create a visual that represents the 1920s.


Assignment 12/14 & 12/15

1. Bell Ringer: Answer the question

During the 1920s, members of the Ku Klux Klan were closely associated with

(1) favoring increased urbanization

(2) promoting nativist ideas and policies

(3) expanding educational opportunities for minorities

(4) opposing the deportation of political dissidents


2. Copy the notes on the 1920s found on the class notes tab


3. See me for a copy of the documents for the situation station


Assignment 12/12 & 12/13

1. Read lesson 4.3 Striving for equality page 215-219 (you can access the book through the student portal)

            a. Complete the check for understanding on page 216

            b. Identifying on page 219

            c. Assessment question 1-5 on page 219

2. Analyze the primary source “Atlanta Exposition Address” pages 220-221

             A. Answer the Assessment questions page 221 (1-3)

Assignment 12/8 & 12/11

For  each of the videos watch the first 2:30 and asnwer the questions in foldable in complete sentences.

Marcus Garvey

1. What movement was Marcus Garvey associated with?

2. What was Garvey’s goal?


3. What did blacks need to do to accomplish this goal?


W.E.B. DuBois

1. What did DuBois view as the problem for blacks?

2. What was The Soul of Black People?

3. Why did DuBois oppose Booker T. Washington?

4. What was his goal?

Booker T. Washington

1. What was Booker T. Washington’s educational goal for blacks?

2. Why was Booker T. Washington controversial?

3. Why did some disagree with him?


Assignment 11/30 & 12/1


Watch the video aby copying the link below and answer the questions start at 15:40

How did World War I finally end? What were the major outcomes of the war?

What was Wilson’s goal at Versailles?

How do you think Hitler’s experiences in WWI shaped him as a person and a leader?

What ideological philosophies did he develop after the war?


Copy the link;_ylt=AwrC5rJs9R9alnEAMwssnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTBncGdyMzQ0BHNlYwNzZWFyY2gEdnRpZAM-;_ylc=X1MDMTM1MTE5NTY5MgRfcgMyBGFjdG4DY2xrBGJjawNudWxsBGNzcmNwdmlkA2ExM085ekV3TGpFVUd5d1R1YjhkWHdBdk1UWTRMZ0FBQUFBbW5HeWoEZnIDeWhzLW1vemlsbGEtMDAyBGZyMgNzYS1ncARncHJpZANvTFQ5X2YxRFFvU0JiSWx4eS5RY1FBBG10ZXN0aWQDbnVsbARuX3JzbHQDNjAEbl9zdWdnAzAEb3JpZ2luA3ZpZGVvLnNlYXJjaC55YWhvby5jb20EcG9zAzAEcHFzdHIDBHBxc3RybAMEcXN0cmwDMzEEcXVlcnkDd29ybGQgd2FycyBUUklBTCBCWSBGSVJFIFBBUlQgQgR0X3N0bXADMTUxMjA0OTA1OQR2dGVzdGlkA251bGw-?gprid=oLT9_f1DQoSBbIlxy.QcQA&pvid=a13O9zEwLjEUGywTub8dXwAvMTY4LgAAAAAmnGyj&p=world+wars+TRIAL+BY+FIRE+PART+B&ei=UTF-8&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av%2Cm%3Asa&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&hsimp=yhs-002&hspart=mozilla#id=1&vid=3ab9ca6ecfef5ff3ab1b4be55fd0decd&action=view



Assignment 11/28-12/1 Situation Station Due 12/6 for Odd 12/7 for Even (for those who were testing)


1. Analyze the images by answering the questions (Take a picture of the imaegs in class)

                        1. What is the purpose of the poster?

                        2. How did it support the war efforts?

2. Using the images answer the essential question: To what extent did involvement in WWI affect life in the United States? (4 sentences)


Take home test Due Dec. 1 for Odd and Even


Classwork 11/15 & 11/16

1. Use SOAP to Analyze 2 of the documents on the  Spanish American War from historical thinking

-Speaker   -Origin   -Audience  -Purpose 

2. To be turned in. Complete writing assignment on the Spanish American War

Based on the documents and your knowledge of U.S. History explain whether or not the explosion of the Maine caused the Spanish American War

          1. Explain the background what was the Spanish American war

Ex: The Spanish American War began in 1898. (add 3 more sentences)

          2. Use the documents and key terms to support your position

Ex: The explosion of the U.S.S. Maine ___ the U.S. to invade Cuba. According to ____


Notebook check Due 11/29 for Even  and 11/30 for Odd





Video: War Begins

1. Some may have called the United States a “failed experiment” after the Civil War. Why?

2. What role did Vanderbilt play in helping the country   rebuild after the Civil War?

3. What is a hostile takeover? How did Vanderbilt deal with   this kind of competition?

4. What major industries emerged in the decades after   the Civil War?





Video: Oil Strike

1. What does it mean to “beat the odds,” and how is John Rockefeller an example of this concept?

2.  What is refining oil, and why was it so important when oil first became a popular commodity?

3.  Standard Oil was one of the nation’s first monopolies. What is a monopoly? Why do you think leaders like Rockefeller wanted to shut out competition?

4.  What was the Panic of 1873?





Read the excerpt of the Gospel of Wealth


What does Carnegie say about the responsibilities of wealth? 




Video: New Rivals

1.  What were some of the challenges Carnegie faced? Do you think he could have avoided these difficulties?

2.  What were J.P. Morgan’s major areas of business? Why was he such an important figure in U.S. history?

3.  What role does risk play in big business? What kinds of risks did Carnegie and Rockefeller take?





Video: Muckrakers

                        1. Who were the muckrakers and what was their goal?

            1:51     2. Who was Ida Tarbell and how did she impact business?

            2:47     3. Who was Upton Sinclair and what was his impact?





Video: Political machines and Boss Tweed first 1:55

                  1. What is a political machine?

                  2. How did politicians manipulate voters?

                  3. What was the role of the city boss? first 2 minutes

                  1. How did Boss Tweed get supporter from immigrants?

                  2. How did Tweed finance his philanthropy?




Bell Ringer: Analyzed image

  1. What differences do you see in the photographs?
  2. How do you think the lives of the city dwellers differ in both photographs?
  3. What might account for the differences?




Bell Ringer: POSER & 1 Questions


1. What do the shadows behind the well dressed men  represent?



SOAP: Chinese/O’Donell & 3 Ques

1. What was the experience of Chinese immigrants like?

2. What was the experience of European immigrants like?

3. How did they differ?




Bell Ringer: Analyze image # 3 ques


1. What are the settings?

2. Do the images depict a cause, course consequence of industrialization? Why?



Bell Ringer: Answered questions 20 & 21



Bell Ringer: Answered question 18





Notes: Imperialism 1-4 Notes are available under the notes tab of the website



SOAP: 4 documents




Bell Ringer: Question 23




Video: Flipped video Imperialism (Found on the online book)

What factors drove U.S. imperialism?

            Why was a strong military necessary for imperialism to succeed?

            How was imperialism justified?

            What do you think about imperialism?




Bell Ringer: Question 25



Notes: Imperialism 5-7



Historical thinking matter Journal and Times




Historical thinking matters 2 documents



Bell Ringer: Question 22



Notes: Imperialism 8-9



Interactive Notebook: Foldable and paragraph. are 5 points each















Per. 5 Industrial Revolution



Total 153-169 A 136-152 B 121-135 C 106-120 D 105<0 F






















































































































Homework Due 11/14 for Even and 11/15 for Odd

Create an original illustration of imperialism on printer paper


Classwork 11/2 & 11/3

Watch the video by copying the link above into a new window. Take notes on the following three questions (first 10 minutes):

1. What was the goal of the progressives?

2. What were some of the reforms/programs they promoted?

3.  Did Progressives achieve their goal?


Use the questions and your notes to write an essay addressing these questions. Each  question requires a paragraph (4 sentences) response.

Classwork 10/31 & 11/1

Complete the paragraphs for the foldables (4 sentences for each in the interactive notebook)




per. 5 Industrialization





















































1st Marking period ended 10/26

Homework Due 10/19 for Even 10/20 for Odd

Create  a "Facebook" for your assigned inventor. Be sure to include their inventions. You can find your assigned person in the gradebook under the assignment tab. If you gave me your email  and did not receive an email from me with the template you need to see me before the day the assignment is due.

Classwork 10/17 & 10/18

           1. Who were the muckrakers and what was their goal?

            1:51     2. Who was Ida Tarbell and how did she impact business?

            2:47     3. Who was Upton Sinclair and what was his impact? first 1:55

                  1. What is a political machine?

                  2. How did politicians manipulate voters?

                  3. What was the role of the city boss? first 2 minutes

                  1. How did Boss Tweed get supporter from immigrants?

                  2. How did Tweed finance his philanthropy?


Write 2 paragraphs about the corruption of political machines as if you were a muckraker writing to immigrants.


Classwork 10/10 & 10/11

Watch the clip “A New Rival Emerges”


1.  What were some of the challenges Carnegie faced? Do you think he could have avoided these difficulties?

2.  What were J.P. Morgan’s major areas of business? Why was he such an important figure in U.S. history?

3.  What role does risk play in big business? What kinds of risks did Carnegie and Rockefeller take?


Classwork 10/03-10/09

Read the Excerpt from the "Gospel of Weath" and anwer the following: What does Carnegie say about the responsibilities of wealth?  Be sure to include academic vocabulary and reference the source.

Link Gospel of Wealth Excerpt


Watch the clip “A New War Begins”


1. Some may have called the United States a “failed experiment” after the Civil War. Why?

2. What role did Vanderbilt play in helping the country   rebuild after the Civil War?

3. What is a hostile takeover? How did Vanderbilt deal with   this kind of competition?

4. What major industries emerged in the decades after   the Civil War?


 Watch the clip “Oil Strike”


1. What does it mean to “beat the odds,” and how is John Rockefeller an example of this concept?

2.  What is refining oil, and why was it so important when oil first became a popular commodity?

3.  Standard Oil was one of the nation’s first monopolies. What is a monopoly? Why do you think leaders like Rockefeller wanted to shut out competition?

4.  What was the Panic of 1873?


Period 7 Read Big business Rises topic 2.2 page 109-114 answer the assessment questions 1-4 on page 114


Notebook check 10/12 for Odd & 10/13 for Even        

1st 9 weeks Notebook check






Bell Ringer: 1 Questions Based on quote
















Bell Ringer: SOAP & 2 Questions




Bell Ringer: POSER & 3 Questions




Notes: cause course & consequence of the Civil War




Bell Ringer: POSER & 2 Questions




Bell Ringer: POSER & 2 Questions




Bell Ringer: POSER




Bell Ringer: POSER




Notes: Farmers challenges and responses




Discovery video: Dawes Act 1 two part question

Video: Interstate commerce 1 two part question




Discovery video: Interstate commerce 1 two part question







Interactive notebook

Foldable and paragraph are each worth 5 points




Civil War




3 plans for Reconstruction




Effects of Reconstruction












115-127 A




102-114 B




89-107 C




78-88 D





0<77 F

























































8/21 8/22

Bell Ringer: Analyze the quotes. Based on the quotes what were the causes of the Civil War?

            “…The South maintained with the depth of religious conviction that the Union formed under the Constitution was a Union of consent and not of force; that the original States were not the creatures but the creators of the Union; that these States had gained their independence, their freedom, and their sovereignty form the mother country…” -John B Gordon Confederate General Reminiscences of the Civil War


“[African Americans] had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise, whenever profit could be made by it.” Chief Justice Taney, Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)


POSER political cartoon



  1. What is the title of the map?
  2. What can we learn from the map?
  3. What do the colors represent?
  4. How many states were free and slave?
  5. Which areas do you think would have had greater tension and why?



Bell Ringer: SOAP

Section 7
And be it further enacted, That any person who shall knowingly and willingly obstruct, hinder, or prevent such claimant ... from arresting such a fugitive from service or labor, either with or without process as aforesaid, or shall rescue, or attempt to rescue, such fugitive from service or labor, from the custody of such claimant ...; or shall aid, abet, or assist such person ... to escape from such claimant ...; or shall harbor or conceal such fugitive, so as to prevent the discovery and arrest of such person, after notice or knowledge of the fact that such person was a fugitive from service or labor as aforesaid, shall, for either of said offences, be subject to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, and imprisonment not exceeding six months ...; and shall moreover forfeit and pay, by way of civil damages to the party injured by such illegal conduct, the sum of one thousand dollars for each fugitive so lost as aforesaid, to be recovered by action of debt ...

                                                                                    -Fugitive Slave Act 1850

What constitutional issue is being raised?

What can we deduce from punishment of non-blacks? (John Brown)



Bell Ringer: POSER

What issues is addressed?

Which view is being depicted?

Which view is being criticized?


Notes on the cause, course, and consequence of the Civil War



Bell Ringer: POSER

1. What issues is addressed?

2. Which view is being depicted?



Bell Ringer: POSER

            1. What issues is addressed?

            2. Which view is being depicted?     



Bell Ringer: POSER




Notes on the Farmers economic challenge and responses based on the articles found at the link below “Farmers face hardships” and Populist advocate easy money



Discovery video (Must sign in to your student portal for the link to work)


Dawes Act:


            What was the Dawes Act and how was racism used to justify it?


Interstate commerce:


What is a monopoly and under which circumstances does the government permit them?


Assigned 9/18-9/19

Due 10/05 Even & 10/06 for Odd

Benchmark remediaters remediation found on the online textbook under assignments (it will say you need more practice with)

Write a story about the Civil War and Reconstruction that uses the terms you need to review and correctly and explains their meaning. Work with a partner and create skits that includes the accurate use and explanation of the terms you and your partner need to review.


Due 9/25 for Odd 9/26 for Even

Create an illustration of one of the farmers (westward migration, granger) benchmark concepts 

Classwork September 20 and 22, 2017

Read the article found at on the link below


Assigned 8/24-25

Create an illustraion of one of the Civl War benchmark concepts Due 8/29 Odd 8/30 Even

Assigned 8/25-26

Read the overview of the Civil War found at the link below